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    • Dusty Gems VSTi AU WAV (PC/Mac) Sale Off
    • Dusty Gems VSTi

      Crate Digging for the Digital Age! 'Dusty Gems' by Music Weapons is like a Vinyl VST/AU plugin that takes the process of crate digging, sampling and chopping melodies and drums from vinyl and turns it into an awesome pad friendly (Maschine & MPC Renaissance) VST/AU plugin interface.A huge amount of amazing patches that come...

      $125.00 $75.00
    • Bangin Bass 2 (VST) Sale Off
    • Bangin Bass 2

      The Best Basses Of All Time...  Bangin Bass VSTi/AU 2 for PC and MAC builds on our extremely popular bass series meant to fill a gap in the market for urban hip hop bass sounds that suit hip-hop and urban style of music. Instead of just using what is available...

      $150.00 $75.00
 • $ 17.00
  •  • $